orto > libri

tutti i libri divisi per anno. sottolineati quelli particolarmente belli. ogni tanto qualche quote che mi è piaciuta tanto da salvarla. per qualcuno per cui due o tre non basterebbero c'è il link a tutto quello che ci ho evidenziato.


  1. The Speed of Sound: Hollywood and the Talkie Revolution
  2. Storie Naturali


  1. El gran manipulador: la mentira cotidana de Franco
  2. The Psychology of Money
  3. The Fall of the Roman Empire
  4. The Candy Bombers
  5. A Certain Idea of France
  6. Butler to the World
  7. Enzo Ferrari: The Man and the Machine
  8. The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich
  9. Il Fascismo Eterno
  10. In Italia vi sono oggi alcuni che si domandano se la Resistenza abbia avuto un reale impatto militare sul corso della guerra. Per la mia generazione la questione è irrilevante: comprendemmo immediatamente il significato morale e psicologico della Resistenza. Era motivo d’orgoglio sapere che noi europei non avevamo atteso la liberazione passivamente.

  11. Dream Super-Express: A Cultural History of the World's First Bullet Train
  12. Breve Storia del Fascismo
  13. Japan Story
  14. The Real Odessa
  15. Electrify
  16. Charged - A History of Batteries
  17. Deep Work
  18. Concorde
  19. B. Una vita troppo
  20. Sette sere
  21. East West Street
  22. A New History of Modern Computing
  23. Indelible City: Dispossession and Defiance in Hong Kong
  24. Preferirei di no
  25. How the World Was One
  26. The Right Stuff
  27. On the Road
  28. D-Day: The Battle for Normandy
  29. A Man Called Intrepid
  30. Wild Bill Donovan


  1. Murmurs of Earth: The Voyager Interstellar Record
  2. The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood

    The telegraph enabled people to think of weather as a widespread and interconnected affair, rather than an assortment of local surprises.


    “A scholar,” said Daniel Dennett in 1995, “is just a library’s way of making another library.”

  3. The Man from the Future
  4. The Smartest Guys in the Room
  5. Reading in the Brain
  6. Bullshit Jobs
  7. Dealers of Lightning
  8. Is Paris Burning?
  9. A Man on the Moon
  10. Finzioni

    Tu, che mi leggi, sei sicuro di capire il mio linguaggio?

  11. Notes to Myself

    There are books like The Leopard that need to be read at least three times: when you are young and adventurous; when you are middle-aged and busy; and when you are old and reflective.

  12. Make Something Wonderful

    I grow little of the food I eat [...] . I do not make any of my own clothing. I speak a language I did not invent or refine. I did not discover the mathematics I use. I am protected by freedoms and laws I did not conceive of or legislate, and do not enforce or adjudicate. I am moved by music I did not create myself. When I needed medical attention, I was helpless to help myself survive. I did not invent the transistor, the microprocessor, object oriented programming, or most of the technology I work with. I love and admire my species, living and dead, and am totally dependent on them for my life and well being.

    Sent from my iPad

  13. Moonraker
  14. Pure Invention - How Japan's Pop Culture Conquered the World
  15. God, Human, Animal, Machine
  16. We are Bellingcat: An Intelligence Agency for the People
  17. The Gate to China
  18. Sled Driver: Flying the World's Fastest Jet
  19. Skunk Works
  20. The Alignment Problem
  21. Shareware Heroes
  22. The Apple II Age: How the Computer Became Personal
  23. Fancy Bear Goes Phishing
  24. The Tyranny of Merit
  25. Lezioni Americane

    Il mio problema potrebbe essere enunciato così: è possibile raccontare una storia al cospetto dell’universo?

  26. Vietnam: An Epic Tragedy
  27. The Bomber Mafia
  28. The Pope at War
  29. Espionage: A Concise History
  30. Metropolis: A History of the City
  31. Love and Let Die
  32. Storia d'Italia dal dopoguerra ad oggi
  33. L'Italia del tempo presente
  34. Il barone rampante
  35. SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome
  36. Ultra-processed People
  37. G-Man
  38. Designing Your Life
  39. The Battle for Spain
  40. A Random Walk Down Wall Street
  41. The Interstellar Age


  1. How the Internet Happened
  2. The Raging 2020s
  3. The Triumph of Christianity
  4. Spies, Lies, Algorithms
  5. Paura di sentire
  6. La Repubblica del Leone
  7. Un indovino mi disse

    "Ah, potessi andare da quell’indovino a Ulan Bator!" si dice probabilmente un abitante di Giava e così mantiene viva la speranza di un posto dove certamente c’è la chiave della sua felicità.

  8. Il cavaliere inesistente

    Ma anch’io quello che voglio è soltanto l’essere uno che sa quello che vuole!

  9. A Moveable Feast

    going down the stairs when i had worked well, and that needed luck as well as discipline, was a wonderful feeling and i was free then to walk anywhere in paris.

  10. Ametora: How Japan Saved American Style
  11. Cent'anni di solitudine
  12. The Splendid and the Vile

    At least one brand of toilet paper was also in perilously short supply, as the king himself discovered. He managed to sidestep this particular scarcity by arranging shipments direct from the British embassy in Washington, D.C. With kingly discretion, he wrote to his ambassador, “We are getting short of a certain type of paper which is made in America and is unprocurable here. A packet or two of 500 sheets at intervals would be most acceptable. You will understand this and its name begins with B!!!”

  13. The Long Way Home
  14. Buonanotte, signor Lenin
  15. La chiave a stella

    vado a cercare una certa ragazza e la trovo, mi fa piacere rivederla e la porto a cena al Cambio e mi sento grandioso.

  16. After Steve
  17. Creative Selection
  18. The Impossible City
  19. The Dream Machine
  20. A Biography of the Pixel
  21. The Cold War
  22. Les Fleurs Bleues
  23. The Last Man Who Knew Everything

    Not a philosopher. Passion for clarity. He was simply unable to let things be foggy. Since they always are, this kept him pretty active.

  24. Hong Kong Diaries
  25. Whole Earth

    The implication, of course, was that computing was the next thing after LSD.

  26. Hitler's American Gamble
  27. The Last Leopard
  28. The Pixar Touch
  29. Nervous Conditions
  30. The Making of the Atomic Bomb
  31. The Soul of a New Machine
  32. Why We Sleep
  33. Why Bob Dylan Matters
  34. Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
  35. The Intel Trinity
  36. Chip War


  1. JFK - Coming of Age in the American Century
  2. Guns, Germs, and Steel
  3. La chiave a stella
  4. The World Beneath the Sands
  5. Roma senza Papa
  6. The Bonfire of the Vanities
  7. The Story of Sushi
  8. Cavour
  9. A Concise History of Hong Kong
  10. Kaputt
  11. Coriolanus
  12. Do No Harm
  13. Reasons to Stay Alive
  14. China - The Bubble That Never Pops
  15. American Pastoral
  16. The Economic Consequences of the Peace
  17. The Ascent of Money
  18. The World of Yesterday
  19. The Second World War
  20. Range
  21. Atomic Awakening
  22. The Darkening Age
  23. Nudge
  24. This Is How They Tell Me The World Ends
  25. Digital Minimalism
  26. Il Conte di Montecristo
  27. Animal Farm
  28. Il Gattopardo
  29. Io Sono il Potere
  30. These Truths


  1. Scritto di notte
  2. Il sogno di Solomeo
  3. The One Device
  4. Il mondo secondo Garp
  5. Brave New World
  6. De Profundis
  7. Eremita a Parigi
  8. I conti con l'oste
  9. Il castello dei destini incrociati
  10. L'Orlando Furioso di Calvino
  11. The Ethical Capitalist
  12. Uncanny Valley
  13. Ghettos du Gotha
  14. The Mysterious Affair at Olivetti
  15. La casa degli spiriti
  16. I Leoni di Sicilia
  17. The Italians
  18. The Toyota Way
  19. L'Io della mente
  20. Ovedressed
  21. La Peste
  22. Sapiens
  23. Capitalismo immateriale
  24. The Geography of Thought
  25. Business Adventures
  26. The Box
  27. Why Nations Fail
  28. The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
  29. Liar's Poker
  30. Le città dell'uomo
  31. Let my people go surfing
  32. Elon Musk
  33. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  34. Il libro di sabbia
  35. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
  36. Homo Deus
  37. The Force of Destiny
  38. Insanely Great - The Life and Times of Macintosh
  39. On Immunity
  40. Ricordi
  41. Quiet
  42. Tremonti: istruzioni per il disuso
  43. Leonardo
  44. Privilege
  45. Midnight's Children
  46. Quer pasticciaccio brutto de via Merulana
  47. Riccardino
  48. Postwar
  49. Il Gattopardo
  50. Palomar
  51. The Ominvore's Dilemma
  52. All the President's Men
  53. What the Dormouse Said
  54. Eichmann in Jerusalem
  55. The Coddling of the American Mind
  56. Hackers
  57. Enlightenment Now
  58. L'Esperimento
  59. L'Esecuzione
  60. Limits to Growth


  1. Il cavaliere inesistente
  2. Le Cosmicomiche
  3. Il sistema periodico
  4. L'Odissea
  5. I fiori blu
  6. The Second World War
  7. Esercizi di Stile
  8. Geni, popoli e lingue
  9. Finzioni
  10. Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno
  11. Sette brevi lezioni di fisica
  12. L'ordine del tempo
  13. Amleto
  14. Le mie prime convinzioni
  15. L'idioma degli argentini
  16. Le mie risposte alle grandi domande
  17. I sette peccati capitali dell'economia italiana
  18. Macbeth
  19. Socrate
  20. La chiave a stella
  21. L'Aleph
  22. Italiani di domani
  23. Re Lear
  24. Italians - Il giro del mondo in ottanta pizze
  25. Italiani si rimane
  26. Lettere a Lucilio
  27. Marchionne
  28. Bugatti Lotus Thriller
  29. I vagabondi
  30. Il vecchio e il mare
  31. Di là dal fiume e tra gli alberi
  32. Venezia è un pesce
  33. The Great Gatsby
  34. Cromorama